Blog Post #1: Introducing Myself and Exploring Distributed and Open Education

Hello everyone,

My name is Ed Lazaga. I am a fourth-year UVic student studying health information science. I’m excited to begin EDCI 339 and explore the exciting field of educational technology with all of you.

To discuss a little overview of my journey. I’ve completed three co-ops work terms over the past 3 years, which have given me valuable insight into a variety of educational settings.  From remote work to in-person experiences, these opportunities have given me a broad perspective on how different settings can influence learning and professional development.

Distributed Education

The approach known as “distributed education” involves instructional materials, student support, and technology. In contrast to traditional education, which involves teachers and students being physically present in the same classroom, distributed education connects teachers and students through digital platforms.

Open Education

The approach known as “open education” encourages the creation of accessible educational practices and resources. The main goal of open education is to increase learning equity and inclusivity by removing obstacles like time, money, and place.

Personal Reflection

As a student, I find the concepts of distributed education and open education incredibly empowering and relevant to my learning journey.

The idea of learning from anywhere and at any time resonates with me. I like that this approach gives me scheduling flexibility so I can continue to work on my academics and handle other responsibilities. The ability to connect with peers and instructors online opens up diverse perspectives and resources that I might not encounter in a traditional classroom. However, I am aware of the difficulties it can bring, though, such as the possibility of feeling alone or the requirement for self-control in handling my education. In addition, I have concerns regarding the level of quality and credibility of open resources. How can I be confident that the information I’m gaining is reliable and useful? Overall, it feels like an exciting opportunity to take control of my education.

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